Asthma Annual Review
For patients who are due an annual asthma review.
Please would you answer the questions on the form in the link below and submit it to us.
If your symptoms are deteriorating or you have any concerns, please make an appointment to the respiratory nurse or a doctor as well.
Home Blood Pressure
For patients with a history of high blood pressure, it can be useful for average readings to be taken every 6-12 months (prior to your annual review) and when making adjustments to your blood pressure medication. It is important not to check your blood pressure too often
Patients should measure their blood pressure in both arms to determine which arm should be used for future measurements. The arm that gives the higher systolic reading (the top number) should be used for all future testing. Devices used for Home Blood Pressure Measurement (HBPM) should be clinically validated for home use. An up to date list of such devices and further advice about blood pressure is available at:
What your blood pressure means? The top number is the blood pressure when your heart contracts (systolic) and the bottom number is the pressure when blood flows away from the heart (diastolic). If either of those numbers are high you have high blood pressure.
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and are receiving treatment generally we are aiming for a blood pressure under 140/90 (or 150/90 if you are over 80)
For certain patients the target blood pressure may be different. If you are unsure what your target blood pressure is please ask a member of the clinical team.
Please contact the duty doctor immediately via reception if you home average is greater than 220/110.
Please use the table in the link below to measure the average readings and email to us at