Adult ADHD. There are currently very long waits for both the local ADHD and Autism Services. However, there are NHS Right to Choose options available for both services. For a Right to Choose referral please:
- Select either the Psychiatry UK or ADHD 360 service. (There are other services at ADHD (adult) (Remedy BNSSG ICB))
- Print off and complete the required documents (below)
- Drop in completed documents or email them to
- Once we have the completed documents, we will contact you to make an appointment with our GP so the referral can be actioned.
Psychiatry UK Documents: Letter-to-GP-Right-to-Choose-ADHD AND adhd-questionnaire-ASRS111-1 (1) . For more details visit – Right To Choose (ADHD) – Psychiatry-UK
ADHD 360 Documents: Document 6 ADHD 360 adult screening questionnaire-ASRS v1.1 (Right to Choose) , Document-94-Letter-to-GP-Patient-Right-to-Choose-V5-Feb-223 AND Document 116 Right to Choose Patient Waiting List Risk Assessment v2 (Referral Documents) . For more details visit Right To Choose | ADHD Diagnosis And Treatment | ADHD 360 (
As above, please make sure all forms are correctly completed before returning to the Practice.
Adult Autism. Please follow the steps above for Adult Autism diagnosis referrals using the documents required by Psychiarty UK. (Right To Choose (ASD) – Psychiatry-UK)
Please complete and return the following 2 documents: Letter-to-GP-Right-to-Choose-ASD AND AQ10-screening-form