The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area. (Due to a large increase in local population with new building developments, we are only able to register new patients who live within the practice boundary). Please check your postcode on this page to make sure that you can register with us. Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.
To register, please follow this link For each application and please make sure you fill in all sections that apply to you. Please make sure you enter your details correctly and double check before submitting the form. The form is also available from the surgeries.
Patients under 15 years old who have not been registered with a GP in the UK before (Excluding New-borns born in the UK), please also fill out this New Patient Child Vaccination Form so we can make sure you child has the correct vaccines for their age.
Only use these forms if you are registering as a Regular (permanent) Patient. If you need to be seen as a Temporary Patient please contact reception.
Our patient leaflet is here – Trifold Brochure Surgery July 2024
We are mindful that registering at a new practice can be daunting and that there can be confusion as all surgeries have their own way of doing things. Please read this quick guide for information that is specific to how we operate at Stoke Gifford and Conygre Road Medical Centres.
Non-English speakers
For information in all languages regarding NHS services, please go to the NHS website.