We have been really pleased with the positive feedback that we have been getting since moving to askmyGP and then Klinik. Patients have appreciated how easy it is to get in touch and the more flexible options that there are for consulting with you. However, as a practice, we are always looking for ways to develop and there are now on-line access services that we think improve on the current system. From 11 July we will be replacing the Klinik link on our website with a link for the new provider. The new system is called Anima and best accessed with an NHS login. Please visit https://www.nhsapp.service.nhs.uk/login and register for the NHS app / NHS login in preparation.
The structure of the system, and the way that we operate, will remain broadly the same. However, the new system provides better integration with our clinical system and will improve safety and speed up the process of reviewing requests and booking appointments. All requests for GP appointments will be added via the on-line page and so it is important for patients to continue to log their own requests, giving as full a history as possible. If you cannot access the website, you can phone us and our reception team can log the request; however, this will take longer and we would ask that all patients that can use the app do log their own requests.
We trust that the changeover will go smoothly but thank you for your support while we make these changes. As above, please do register for the NHS app and login now.