We are a research ready accredited practice and belong to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) Research Site Initiative (RSI). This is a scheme to support the establishment and maintenance of primary care research. Please do not contact the surgery to volunteer for studies that appear on our website. Patients that are eligible for selected studies are contacted directly and asked if they wish to take part. Thank you very much to all of our patients who have contributed to this work
Exploring patients’ beliefs, attitudes, and behavioural intentions towards long-term depression management in primary care: a questionnaire survey study- University of Southampton 2018
Production and evaluation of an improved tool to screen older women with back pain for vertebral fractures- University of Bristol 2018
Stilts 2
A study examining the common and rare genetic variants associated with thinness- Addenbrookes, Cambridge 2017
Patients experience and perceptions of medication review in general practice
University of Bristol 2017
Diagnosing arthropathy in patients with psoriasis- University of Leeds 2016